The Producers and Gem and Mineral show

The Producers musical last night was interesting. On the one hand, it was pretty great. The talent was impressive and the sets were even more amazing (Somebody painted portraits of the actual actors! And the technology was better than some professional theaters have). The scene changes were basically flawless. The show was funny and I was drawn into it easily. But on the other hand, The Producers has a lot of sexual innuendos and seeing high schoolers act that out is disconcerting to me. I know that teenagers know about sex but to act that out in front of an audience? It’s not my thing. I had a good time and I did enjoy it but it was close.

Today, Sidney and I went to the Gems and Minerals show at the Denver Coliseum. Had never been before and I thought it could be cool. There were so many vendors and they all had similar stuff that it started to blur together and became a bit overwhelming. We did see some gorgeous rocks but when I saw that 10 vendors had the same thing it made the gems less special. Neither of us bought anything. We had lunch at a Korean restaurant near our house and then came back home and played Pathfinder. We have one more game to play before we’re finished with the series. We’ll possibly play it tomorrow.

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